читать дальше1. Dramatic Collection II Endless Rain (Бесконечный дождь) 2. Wish a Dream Collection II A four-leaf Clover 3. Wish a Dream Collection III Orchid Under the Sun 4. Crashers: Knight and Ran I, II 5*. Wish a Dream Collection IV First Mission -- по понятным причинам очень условно 6. Theatre of Pain 7. Dramatic Image Album I, II Eternal Angel 8. Dramatic Collection I The Holy Children (Капитель) 9. Wish a Dream Collection I Flower of Spring 10. Dramatic Collection III Kaleidoscope Memory (ОВАшка и Рандзятай) 11. Dramatic Precious 1st stage Sleepless Night 12. Dramatic Precious 2nd stage Tearless Dolls 13. Dramatic Precious 3rd stage Hopeless Zone 14. Dramatic Precious Final stage Dreamless Life 15. Dramatic Image Album III, IV Schwarz 16. Fight Fire with Fire 17. Weiss Kreuz Gluhen Dramatic Soundtracks - 1, 2 /JMB