Монстр неярких сублимаций
Kazuya Minekura updates her blog with some interesting news about Saiyuki Gaiden!
First of all, she tells us the release data of Saiyuki Gaiden volume 4. It will be published on 25th July!
Moreover seems that Minekura sensei will restart to work on WARD starting from WARD 011 with some anecdotes about Saiyuki.
Seems that the first one (and the only one? I don't know) will be dedicated to the first platoon of Heaven Army.
So it will be about the Tenpou and Kenren's platoon that Kazuya Minekura says she loves so much!
The soldiers are called "The Heaven ants" (probably because the colour of their military uniforms).
Now, I don't know if these "anecdotes" will be only in WARD 011 or maybe Minekura is thinking to continue to work on WARD publishing other kind of these stories.
If someone is able to understand more, please tell me!! ;)

@темы: Минекура-сама, Saiyuki, буржуи, Gaiden, Ссылки

17.05.2009 в 00:01

Солярис добрый! Трупы, подтвердите! (с)
Аааа! Офигеть :heart: *гомен за неконструктивность))*
17.05.2009 в 05:44

Монстр неярких сублимаций
Ага, ага. Наши желания были услышаны :)